Breathwork is a healing and enlivening modality that uses conscious connected breathing, which induces deep relaxation and expanded consciousness. Conscious connected breathing moves energy and creates a space for fundamental healing. Merging the inhale with the exhale in a circular and relaxed rhythm floods the body with life force. Informed by your inner intelligence and evolutionary impulse, your innate wisdom guides the experience toward those dynamics, patterns, or issues ready to be processed, accepted, or integrated.

Conscious, connected breathwork offers:

  • An adjunct to talk-therapy
  • A direct experience of your own deep wisdom and insights
  • A way to release unresolved issues
  • An expanded state of consciousness to further explore your spiritual path

I have been facilitating breathwork for over 30 years. As a breath coach, I provide a comfortable, safe space for heightened awareness that offers spacious perspective, keen insight, and thoughtful equanimity. Many people report deep peace, clarity, and a sense of well-being, at the end of a session.

Curious about Breathwork?
Contact me for a
complimentary phone consultation
to discuss your specific needs.